Collection Development Policy

Collection Development Policy

The Ritzville Library District #2’s Library Board recognizes that within the District there are individuals and groups with diverse interests, backgrounds, and needs and the Library was created to serve all of the people within the District’s service area.  The Library Board declares as a matter of policy that:

  1. The Collection Development Policy is based on and reflects the District’s stated mission, vision, and goals.
  2. Library materials, in a variety of formats, including licensed electronic resources and online databases, shall be selected and retained on the basis of their value for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all the people in the community in conformance with the District’s mission. 

    Some of the factors which will be considered in adding or removing materials from the library collection shall include:  present collection composition, collection development objectives, interest, demand, timeliness, audience, accuracy, significance of subject, diversity of viewpoint, effective expression, and limitation of budget and facilities. 

    No library materials that meet the District’s selection criteria shall be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of the author or those contributing  to its creation.  Not all materials will be suitable for all members of the community. 

    The District shall be responsive to public suggestion of titles and subjects to be included in the library collection.  Gifts of materials may be accepted with the understanding that the same standards of selection are applied to gifts as to materials acquired by purchase, and that any gifts may be discarded at the District’s discretion. 

    The District is not a library of historical record.  To ensure a vital collection of continuing value to the community, except in the area of local history, materials that are not well-used may be withdrawn. 

    The library collection shall be organized and maintained to facilitate access.  There shall be no prejudicial labeling, sequestering, or alteration of materials.
  3. Selection is vested in the District’s Director and, under his or her direction, in members of the staff.  Library materials selected in accordance with this policy shall be held to be selected by the Library Board.
  4. The Library Board believes that reading, listening to, and viewing library materials are individual, private matters.  While one is free to select or to reject materials for oneself, one cannot restrict the freedom of others to read, view, or inquire.  Parents have the primary responsibility to guide and direct the reading of their own minor children.  The District does not stand “in loco parentis.” 

    The Library Board recognizes the right of individuals to question materials in the District collection.  A library patron questioning material in the collection is encouraged to talk with the Director concerning such material.  To formally state his/her opinion and receive a written response, a patron may submit the form provided for that purpose.  Material that has been questioned will remain in the active collection until the District has made a determination of its status.
  5. The Library Board adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support:
  6. This policy shall only relate to materials specifically selected by the District.

Revised: 12/7/09

Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.